.. Powderday documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Sun Mar 8 13:46:18 2015. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. image:: images/pd_front_image.png :align: center Welcome to Powderday's documentation! ===================================== `powderday `_ is a dust radiative transfer package designed to interface with galaxy formation simulations in order to produce realistic spectral energy distributions and images. The code utilizes `fsps `_ (and its python hooks, `python-fsps `_) for stellar SEDs, and `Hyperion `_ for dust radiative transfer. Threaded throughout is `yt `_. The code has two principle aims - to be flexible (and extremely modular), and to be easy to use. The package is written in python, though makes use of fortran, C and cython. As of now, the code works Gadget (HDF5), Gizmo (HDF5), Gasoline (tipsy), Changa (tipsy) and Arepo (HDF5). Support for RAMSES, ART and Enzo are in progress, as well as NCHILADA-formatted outputs. The current timeline for a code paper is Fall 2019 (fingers crossed). Finally, this code benefits from the contributions, either directly to this software, or indirectly by contributions to dependency software, by many astrophysicists, including Matt Turk, Tom Robitaille, Connor McClellan, Ray Sharma, Robert Thompson, Charlie Conroy, Prerak Garg, Ben Johnson, Dan Forman-Mackey and Phil Hopkins. .. important:: **Disclaimer**: While the developers have made every effort to ensure that the code is bug-free, bugs invariably find their way in. The developers are not responsible for incorrect results, arising either from inherent bugs in the code, or mistakes in usage. Any questions regarding the code or usage should be sent to the mailing list. Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 installation.rst quickstart.rst parameters_description.rst algorithm_description.rst nebular_emission.rst convenience.rst tests.rst referencing.rst troubleshooting.rst getting_help.rst Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`